
«Family of persons with OVZ and disability as an object and subject of rehabilitation and educational activity»

onstantin Eduardovich Tkhostov - Director of Lyceum No. 369 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

Elena Borisovna Spasskaya - Head of the Department of Interregional Cooperation in the field of Education of the A. I. Herzen State Pedagogical University

Online opening of the XI St. Petersburg International Educational Forum

Plenary session of the XIV St. Petersburg International Educational Forum

«Innovative design in an educational institution. Best practices»

Project-based education in vocational education: from tradition to innovation in the context of the new educational technology "Professionalism"

Seminar «Project training in STP: from tradition to innovation»

Physical experiment at school

"School as a vector of civic and patriotic activity among the younger generation. The experience of creating the first named class in St. Petersburg in honor of the Hero of the Russian Federation A.S. Bogomolov, a security officer"

VII All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Neodidactics of pre-professional training of students of educational institutions" Section 3. "Features of the formation of functional literacy of students in pre-professional specialized classes"

Round table on the issues of supporting the functioning of classes of psychological and pedagogical orientation

«The federal educational program is a new vector of professional development of teachers in the unified space of pre-school education»

«Together for success: parents and teachers on the same page»

«Educational firm - development territory»

«Modern aspects of the teacher’s self-effectiveness in organizing educational activities and supporting children with special educational needs»

«Contribution to Technological Sovereignty of the Country: Possibilities of Continuous Natural Science Education»

«Healthy family - healthy relationships - successful children»

VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Neodidactics of Pre-Professional Training of Students of OU» Plenary Meeting

VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Neodidactics of Pre-Professional Training of Students of Educational Sciences» Section 1. «Pre-Professional Training of Media Students: What to Teach and How to Teach?»

VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Neodidactics of Pre-Professional Training of Students of the Educational System» Section 4. «Pre-professional training of students of cadet classes: features of the organization of learning»

«Kolpinsky Readings: Children and Youth Tourism and Local History Forum»

«Career Guidance. Creativity. Education. Implementation of the main directions in the educational space of the gymnasium»

«Preservation and popularization of family traditions with professional self-determination of youth»

VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Neodidactics of Pre-Professional Training of Students of OU» Section 7. «Foreign Language as an Investment Decision in the Context of Pre-Professional Training of a Modern Competitive Specialist»

Round table on supporting the functioning of psycho-pedagogical classes

«Modern strategies of reading and understanding texts of different functionality»

«Reading children and adults: formation of traditions of modern family reading». Master-class «Journals of the periodical press for children: history and modernity»

«Reading children and adults: formation of traditions of modern family reading». Round table «Modern resources on formation of traditions of family reading in XXI century»

«Reading children and adults: formation of traditions of modern family reading». Section «Union of family, books and libraries»

«Reading children and adults: formation of traditions of modern family reading». Plenary session

«Professional self-determination of schoolchildren in the field of engineering professions through the implementation of the model: school-urban educational environment»

«Vector of development of Tiflopedagogy in the context of new global changes: family, education, socialization of persons with visual impairments (to the 95th anniversary of the Department of Tiflopedagogy)»

«Family of a child with intellectual insufficiency as a subject of educational relations»

«Phenomenology of Russian Sign Language Pedagogy: The Family as the Center of Formation and Development of the Child with Hearing Impairment»

«Resources and prospects of development of speech therapy technologies in work with children with OVZ in conditions of educational organization and family»

Plenary session of the III All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation Herzenovsk readings. Modern problems of defectology and rehabilitation»

"Modern primary school: experiences and perspectives"

«From the integration of engineering, natural science and business competences of schoolchildren to pre-professional training in the sphere of expert activity and protection of consumer rights of goods and services (engineering, IT, entrepreneurship, sanitary supervision)»

«Education quality vector»